Flint Office Group

INPEX - Flint Office Group


Office Design and Category B Fit-Out


8 Weeks


4,000 Sqft


Inpex selected an impressive new London office, located on a private city street central to the City of London’s high-rise cluster.

Flint Office Group was tasked with designing a functional, familiar office environment that mirrors their previous space.

We incorporated open-plan desks, cellular offices, phone booths, a kitchen and breakout area, a welcoming reception, and a 12-person boardroom with advanced AV for conferencing.

This office fit-out supports both local teams and visiting Inpex Global team members. 

Flint Office Group crafted a functional, inviting office fit-out for Inpex’s London team

Enhancing the workplace experience

To improve the recreational feel of the space, Flint Office Group crafted a functional, inviting office fit-out for Inpex’s London team, with open-plan desks, private offices, a kitchen/breakout area, and a boardroom featuring advanced AV for seamless global collaboration.